Reflections on relativity?....Rejections of relativity!

Welcome. This is a reasoned response to the relativity section at, a site promoted as the on-line and authoritative reference for all seeking explanations of mainstream relativity and its math support.

Mathpages is in fact our favorite comedy site on the Web, a truly modern fantasy, full of contradictions. Presented as mathematical support for relativity, it actually brings the errors into focus, a comedia errata. It is puzzling why it is cited to support any type of science, as the site is saturated with logical and mathematical errors, an unintended satire of modern thought. If grounded firmly in logic and mathematics, no one need be troubled by the intimidation of special relativity flak launched therein.

Does lack of response to the mathpages outrages signal descent into agnosticism and to nihilism beyond? God help us all.

All comments will be posted that are civil, relevant and coherent.


t/h to Peter and Amy for tech support.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Space-Time-Energy/Mass Unity (STEMU) axiom:
proposed by Filip Kanarev.

To achieve simplicity in inital analysis mathematicians sometimes abstract reality to a bare manifold, a coordinate system resident in a modeling space unrelated to physical reality. Bare Minkowski diagrams somehow come to mind...
Consider a world in which there's no time, just space and matter. Nothing would change; this is not the real world as observed.
If there's no space, where would the matter go?
If there's no mass, then there is no observable event.
This subtle axiom points out that all three descriptors must be present and unified for an observable event to occur in the reality of a physical world.  Without observable events to record there can be no scientific method - no testing of theory.
Sailors on the open ocean need a navigation guide to locate their position.
In the cosmos the islands needed to locate events are visible objects - radiation sources.
That's why mass is needed to unify/connect space-time models with experiments - mass/objects give the location of events.
Real events require a description using a  Space,Time and Energy/Mass location Unified in the chosen reference frame, the STEMU completeness  condition. Space-time-energy/matter are inseparable and have meaning only when unified into triune relationship.
The point of this axiom is to validly and completely link mathematical models with physical reality.
A model that uses a time-ordered coordinate system alone, without locating the origin in the real universe, violates STEM unity.
Any theory violating the STEMU axiom is logically incomplete - the model lacks the capability of testing.
To Minkowski diagrams there must also be added a light cone and world lines of particles => mass/energy located in space and time.
Relativity violates STMU when treating space and time separately (for example, length contraction and time dilation).


Viana Abreu said...

Unity is the fundation of all reality.
We must transcend the mecanical view 3D(L,M,T) with a 4D dimensional base model 4D(L,M,T,X) where X represents one more independent quantitie like entropy or electrical resistance.
From 4D coerent base we have a unified system that give to us all laws of physics and demonstrate the unity of all real fundamental physical constants.

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